Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What we eat?

All I am going to say for the day is watch the movies Food Inc., King Corn and Jamie Oliver's new show about food and you will strongly consider changing the way you eat. My husband Casey has been consulting with a health and wellness clinic and working with nutritional therapists which have really opened his eyes and in turn mine. For example, we are only eating grass fed beef now, milk without hormones, chicken without hormones, buying mostly organic and trying to avoid high fructose corn syrup plus cooking fresh at home. We will avoid eating fast food if possible. We really don't want to be extreme so yes splurging on pastries, ice cream or potato chips once in awhile will be okay or if we go to a family get together we don't want to turn our noses up at the food choices. As with most everything the more educated you are about something the more likely you are to change your ideas. This is the first generation in American history that the children are expected to live a shorter life span than their parents - due to lack of exercise and poor diet choices which is leading to increased diabetes, obesity and heart disease. I'm excited to start visiting farmer's markets this summer. I really don't want to turn into a freak though - stop dying my hair, wearing makeup and moving into a commune - so for those of you who personally know me please keep me sane. I will say this - I will never give up chocolate!

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