Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Sea

So I'm re-reading "The Gift From the Sea" by Anne Morrow Lindbergh for I think the 3rd time - I've highlighted it and sometimes I just pick it up and thumb through it. She goes to the ocean for a few days by herself for much needed rest and solitude and collects shells and writes down her thoughts which are so deep and symbolic of the different relationships and stages we go through in our lives. For those of you who don't recognize her name she is married to Charles Lindbergh the famous aviator and they have a bunch of kids and actually lost a small child by kidnapping due to their fame. I can't imagine her heartbreak. One year my heart was broken and I took a trip to the Sea to San Diego and stayed at a charming little bed and breakfast within walking distance to the beach. I was so very sad but the ocean was healing and brought forth a feeling of renewal and closeness to nature and God. I so desperately need (not just want) to visit the ocean right now to feel the breeze on my face, listen to the seagulls, smell the salty air and just bask in the sunshine and just be for a few hours. I don't even want to analyze anything in my life right now - I just want to be present with no worries about the future. I want to walk along the sand and then have the tide wash away my prints and then walk away from the ocean toward home in the sun making new footprints that will hopefully be more solid.

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