Monday, April 19, 2010


So I confess I am kind of a trivia junkie - I like watching the show Jeopardy to test my smarts. Or sometimes I will just grab a stack of trivial pursuit cards to quiz myself for fun - at least I don't read the encyclopedia. I have this book called "The Book of Useless Information" by Noel Botham and it's hilarious. I think I'll share a few tidbits today as I'm not waxing philosophical due to my 5 yr. old son being extra wiggly when he was cuddling with me all night long last night - we used to cuddle and then I would put him in his bed - well now he has a loft bed up high and I can't lift him up that high. I just need to put my foot down and make him sleep in his own bed - but honestly how much longer is he going to want to cuddle and he's my baby! But I am so tired today...

Back to useless information that I'm sure everyone can use for small talk at a party

Hitler's great-great grandmother was a Jewish maid

Jeremy Bentham, a British philosopher who died in 1832, left his entire estate to the London Hospital, provided that his body was allowed to preside over its board meetings. His skeleton was clothed and fitted with a wax mask of his face. It was present at the meeting for 92 years and can still be viewed there. (The British weekend at Bernies)

Albert Einstein couldn't speak fluently until he was nine - his parents thought he might be mentally retarded.

Alfred Hitchcock didn't have a belly button

Charlie Chaplin won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.

The harmonica is the world's most popular instrument (not sure about this one - maybe it is in China?)

Mozart is buried in an unknown pauper's grave

Elvis failed his music class in school

now to make dinner...

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